This dissertation contains a Hebrew edition and annotated Catalan translation of Isaac the Blind's (1165-1235) Commentary on the Book of Creation. The introduction presents the historical context in which the author lived as well as some biographical data and the intellectual influence from Jewish Andalusian culture in the text. It further analyzes the relationship of the author's philosophy with other schools of thought, as the ones in Troyes and Paris, as well as his neoplatonic influences. It proceeds to a detailed analysis of the author's views on epistemology, cosmology and anthropology which, while act as breaking points with previous mystical views, at the same time they set the platform for the development of medieval kabbalah.
- [Co-author] El llibre Kuzari. [The Kuzari] Obrador Edendum, forthcoming in 2014.
- [Co-author] Les responsa de Rabbi Simo ben Tsemakh Duran. [The Responsa of R. Simon B. Tsemakh Duran]. Lleonard Muntaner Publ. 2001
- [Co-author] L'haggadà de Pasqua. [Haggada of Pesach] Ed. Claret. 1997
- [Co-author] Identitats en Conflicte.[Identities in conflict] Ed. Dux. 2009
- [Co-author] “A Fifteenth-Century Hebrew Manuscript from the Aljama of Perpignan” in Hispania Judaica vol. 3, 2000, pp. 145-183. Published by the Hebrew University of Jerusalem: Institute of Jewish Studies.
- [Co-author] “El problema de la transcripció dels noms hebreus a les fonts medievals” [Issues regarding transcription of Hebrew names in Medieval sources] in Sobre Onomàstica. Jornades d'Antroponímia i Toponímia (1993-2002). Published by Universitat de les Illes Balears. 2004. pp. 263-270
- “Els Jueus de la Unio Europea” [European Union Jews] in Segell no. 2 (2006), pp. 131-145. Published by Lleonard Muntaner.
- “El Talmud democratico” [The Democratic Talmud] in Kiliedro: Revista Española de Cultura Contemporanea 8 (2007)
This dissertation contains a Hebrew edition and annotated Catalan translation of Isaac the Blind's (1165-1235) Commentary on the Book of Creation. The introduction presents the historical context in which the author lived as well as some biographical data and the intellectual influence from Jewish Andalusian culture in the text. It further analyzes the relationship of the author's philosophy with other schools of thought, as the ones in Troyes and Paris, as well as his neoplatonic influences. It proceeds to a detailed analysis of the author's views on epistemology, cosmology and anthropology which, while act as breaking points with previous mystical views, at the same time they set the platform for the development of medieval kabbalah.